
Cashiers Windows are designed to offer protection by separating the public from the secure area whilst allowing the staff to easily transact with customers in an efficient manner. Whether bullet or physical attack resistant Architectural Armour can accomodate your security needs. Our transaction windows are often installed with our electric bulk transfer unit to enable to transfer of small and large items without compromising security.

A selection of our standard stocked items are displayed, but if you cannot find what you require here you may wish to view our selection of Cash scoops and Audio trays, all of which can be incorporatred into a security window of your design and specification.


For more information and to view the SW1 Data Sheet please click below






Our SW2 Data Sheet can be found here 

Cashiers Windows are probably our most versatile product, which may be why they have so many alternate names. When it was normal for factories to pay their workers wages in Cash they were sometimes called Cash Windows, Chubb chose to call them Payroll Windows, Kilby Gayford chose Transaction Windows, others called them Pass Through Hatches, Ticket Windows, Pay out windows, the list goes on.

Applications are equally diverse over the years they have been installed at stadiums, arena's, swimming pools, railway stations, car parks, taxi ranks ,police stations, courts, petrol stations, 24 hour retail outlets and so many more.

Architectural Armour's management have supplied products for all of these applications, many requiring bespoke solutions, please contact us to discuss your needs; +44(0) 1981 257000 or mailto:info@architecturalarmour.com


Latest News

Split Height Transaction Window Duo 

Using experience on previous projects and customers requirements we have designed a split height transaction window offering standing and DDA access to reception and data centre environments.

2 Position Screen


For more information and pricing please contact our office on info@architecturalarmour.com or +44(0)1981 257000



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Increased Stock for Express Delivery

We have increased our range of stock transaction windows to six units , ready for express dispatch.

Our range of transaction windows include, physical attack resistant and bullet resistant internal and external models. Please see below an outline of our products.

Architectural Armour are offering standard stock items and bespoke orders to suit.  Please contact us on +44(0) 1981 257000 



Stock Transaction Windows













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